rehab 4 alcoholism

Rehab 4 Alcoholism – Providing impartial and independent advice

Website Extract:

“At Rehab 4 Alcoholism we are well known around the United Kingdom for our hard work and dedication in defeating alcoholism. Just so you know our advice is 100% free and impartial. We are independent from the rehabilitation industry and we intend to remain independent.

Our alcohol rehabilitation services are available to people suffering from varying degrees of alcohol addiction. Invariably this includes treatment for so-called chronic alcoholism but also for sufferers exhibiting mild forms of alcoholism. Left unchecked alcoholism leads to serious health complications including brain damage and alcohol-related liver disease. Alcoholism left untreated inflicts lasting wounds on relationships including family life, professional life and social life.

Rehab 4 Alcoholism offers an industry-leading assessment with one of our experienced admissions officers conducted in complete confidence. If you are suffering or you suspect a loved one is suffering from an alcohol addiction call 0800 111 4108.

Our admissions team helps you through assessments and outlines potential treatment options available. Your needs are our main concern when considering treatment options. Our team makes sure your recovery is successful. Many of our team have been in your situation themselves.”

Find alcohol treatment centres near you

We maintain close relationships with alcohol rehabilitation centres throughout the United Kingdom. In order to find a relevant treatment centre simply input your location or postcode into the conveniently placed box below or call our admissions team on 0800 111 4108.

Rehabilitation centres abroad

Given the quality of alcohol addiction treatment provided in countries such as South Africa and Thailand we refer patients to alcohol rehabilitation centres in these countries. We maintain one of the largest portfolio of foreign alcohol rehabilitation centres in the United Kingdom today.


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