Being a big fan of Cottons Rhum Shack, we were very pleased to find out that they are going to have a number of rum masterclasses throughout the year with a variety of different rum brands at their Notting Hill branch.
Some of the rum brands confirmed so far are Angostura, Brugal, Stroh, Matusalem, Hechicera, Westerhall and Havana.
The good news is these masterclasses are open to both people in the industry (2- 3:30 pm session) and the general public (6-7:30 pm session). If you want to learn about rum and obviously try some of these rums, make sure to book ASAP, you don’t want to miss out! While you are there you might as well book a table there and enjoy some really tasty food – we will!
How to Book a Rum Masterclass
or call the restaurant on: 0207 243 0090.
2017 Monthly Rum Masterclass Schedule
WEDNESDAY 25TH JANAngostura (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 22ND FEBBrugal rum (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 29TH MARCHStroh rum (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 26TH APRILMatusalem rum (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 31ST MAYHechicera rum (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 28TH JUNEWesterhall rum (2pm & 6pm) |
WEDNESDAY 26TH JULYHavana rum (2pm & 6pm) |
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